What our Pilates clients say
PILATES ROCKS!!! I cannot believe that for the first time in nearly my 56 years I can touch my toes!!!
I cannot believe the difference in my flexibility since joining your class! Thank you so much for all the encouragement.
Fiona, Gloucester
Laura is great instructor and very professional one to one session. When I first met her, I couldn't reach my feet or floor now I can!!
MC, Gloucester
Since doing Pilates I am far more flexible and nimble – it has been genuinely life changing!
PK, Gloucester
Due to working as a tree surgeon and doing extreme sports I needed regular sports massage, but the need for that has stopped since doing Pilates.
Paul, Hartbury
'I cannot believe the difference in my flexibility since joining your class!'

t: 01452 446254 | m: 07977 058458 | e: laura@gwphysiotherapy.co.uk
GW Physiotherapy | 11 Southern Avenue, Gloucester GL4 0AW